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My Books Summer

My Books Summer Spanish Grade 4 Fiction - Classroom Set

150 Books (30 copies of each 5 book set)

My Books Summer

My Books Summer Spanish Grade 4 Fiction - Classroom Set

150 Books (30 copies of each 5 book set)

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LIST PRICE: $1368.60 YOU SAVE: $573.60 (42%) PRICE PER STUDENT:


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Also available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Indiebound, Target, and Walmart.

Key Features


Create summer reading experiences for your classroom at greater savings! The My Books Summer Classroom Sets are perfect to promote independent reading, heighten motivation, and build text-rich environments for all students in your classroom. Simplify distribution with 30 prepacked summer reading sets with each My Books Summer Classroom set including:

• 150 culturally relevant fiction books (30 copies of each five-book set)
Create summer reading experiences for your classroom at greater savings! The My Books Summer Classroom Sets are perfect to promote independent reading, heighten motivation, and build text-rich environments for all students in your classroom. Simplify distribution with 30 prepacked summer reading sets with each My Books Summer Classroom set including:

• 150 culturally relevant fiction books (30 copies of each five-book set)
• 150 think sheets
• 30 colored pencil sets
• 30 journals

Take-Home packs are perfect to distribute to students before the school year ends to kick off summer reading.
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Sole Source
This product is offered exclusively by Scholastic Inc.

2025 Title List:

• Orientación
• Saraí y el significado de lo genial
• Sobreviví el ataque de los osos grises, 1967
• Sobreviví el huracán Katrina, 2005
• Los tipos malos en el peor día del mundo
• Orientación
• Saraí y el significado de lo genial
• Sobreviví el ataque de los osos grises, 1967
• Sobreviví el huracán Katrina, 2005
• Los tipos malos en el peor día del mundo
About My Books Summer

Product Details

  • Item #:NTS826175
  • ISBN13:9781338261752
  • Format:Take Home Collection
  • Grades:4
  • Funding Type:Title I, Part A,
    Title II, Part B, LEARN,
    Title III,
    Title IV, Part A, SSAEG,
    Title IV, Part B, 21st CCLC
  • Language:Spanish

Also included in Collections