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Extended Learning Programs

More and more children are participating in programs outside of the classroom as evidence mounts that expanded learning efforts work. Whether you’re looking for flexible, onsite instructional programs or digital resources that offer a new way to engage learners—we can help spark curiosity and accelerate learning even when the school day ends.

Instructional Programs


LitLeague is an exciting program that provides an engaging social-emotional literacy learning environment where children participate in book-related activities including read-alouds, group discussions, independent reading, writing activities, games, and songs.

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Scholar Zone

ScholarZone powered by BellXcel is an evidence-based solution designed to help you offer high-quality ELA and math summer and extended learning programs for your students in Grades K–8.

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Take-Home Book Packs

Grab and Go

Choose from 4 themes: Favorite Books, Social-Emotional Development, Diverse and Powerful Stories, Foundational Skills

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My Books Every Day

Thematic sets include Super Reader (SEL), Let's Discover (STEAM), and Open a World of Possible (Inspirational Stories)

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Independent Digital Resources