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Teaching Collections
Shop curated classroom books and upgrade your classroom library! Browse our classroom book sets and find the class set of books you've needed.
A convenient, cost-effective way to build an engaging classroom library from the ground up
Shop NowBuild a Spanish language classroom library with best-selling fiction, nonfiction, and bilingual books
Shop NowDiversify your classroom library with collections that represent many communities
Shop NowCreate a classroom culture that embraces collaboration and reflection
Shop NowCollections with a mix of classical literature, contemporary fiction, and nonfiction texts
Shop NowExtend the reach of your classroom with below-level, at-level, and above-level libraries
Shop NowEach collection includes a comprehensive title list with Accelerated Reader Level, the Points, and the Quiz number
Shop NowProvides students with an array of engaging science, social studies, and math topics
Shop NowGrade-level instruction of civics, economics, geography, and history with authentic literature
Shop NowBuild a library with texts on Physical Science, Life Science, Earth Science, and Engineering & Technology
Shop NowInspire critical thinking, curiosity, questioning, and enthusiasm for knowledge
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