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Differentiated Instruction With Leveled Graphic Organizers

Teaching Writing: Differentiated Instruction With Leveled Graphic Organizers

40+ Reproducible, Leveled Organizers That Help You Teach Writing to ALL Students and Manage Their Different Learning Needs Easily and Effectively

By Mary C. McMackin, Nancy L. Witherell Illustrator Narrator Editor Photographed by

Differentiated Instruction With Leveled Graphic Organizers

Teaching Writing: Differentiated Instruction With Leveled Graphic Organizers

40+ Reproducible, Leveled Organizers That Help You Teach Writing to ALL Students and Manage Their Different Learning Needs Easily and Effectively

By Mary C. McMackin, Nancy L. Witherell Illustrator Narrator Editor Photographed by
Format eBook PDF
LIST PRICE: $16.99 YOU SAVE: $5.95 (35%)

Also available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Indiebound, Target, and Walmart.

Key Features


Help every primary learner build basic writing skills with graphic organizers designed at three levels of challenge. Each of the 15 model lessons in this book is paired with three ready-to-use organizers that support and engage a range of learners and boost their writing skills. Topics include types of sentences, descriptive writing, elaborating, how-to paragraphs, writing in response to literature, and more!
Help every primary learner build basic writing skills with graphic organizers designed at three levels of challenge. Each of the 15 model lessons in this book is paired with three ready-to-use organizers that support and engage a range of learners and boost their writing skills. Topics include types of sentences, descriptive writing, elaborating, how-to paragraphs, writing in response to literature, and more!

Teacher Tips

How is this book organized?
Eah chapter follows the same organizational structure:
• Name and define a target concept
• Provide an activity through which we introduce the concept to students
• Transition from a concrete activity to a piece of quality literature to illustrate the concept in a more abstract form
• Offer a model lesson in which we provide direct instruction of the concept that prepares students for the...
How is this book organized?
Eah chapter follows the same organizational structure:
• Name and define a target concept
• Provide an activity through which we introduce the concept to students
• Transition from a concrete activity to a piece of quality literature to illustrate the concept in a more abstract form
• Offer a model lesson in which we provide direct instruction of the concept that prepares students for the tiered graphic organizers
• Include three tiered graphic organizers: beginning, developing, and extended
• List two picture books and one chapter book, with annotations, that teachers can use in a follow-up lesson.
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