• WHEELS ON THE BUS- written and illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky, musical by The Bacon Brothers
• CHICKA, CHICKA, 1, 2,3 - written by Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson, illustrated by Lois Ehlert, music and vocals by Crystal Taliefero
•HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS - written and illustrated by Kadir Nelson, music and vocals by Crystal Taliefero
• THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND - written by Woody Guthrie, illustrated by Kathy Jakobsen,sung by Arlo Guthrie,narrated by Nora Guthrie
• WHEELS ON THE BUS- written and illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky, musical by The Bacon Brothers
• CHICKA, CHICKA, 1, 2,3 - written by Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson, illustrated by Lois Ehlert, music and vocals by Crystal Taliefero
•HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS - written and illustrated by Kadir Nelson, music and vocals by Crystal Taliefero
• THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND - written by Woody Guthrie, illustrated by Kathy Jakobsen,sung by Arlo Guthrie,narrated by Nora Guthrie