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Scholastic Magazines+

Scholastic Art

The Classic and Contemporary Art Resource for Grades 7-12

Scholastic Magazines+

Scholastic Art

The Classic and Contemporary Art Resource for Grades 7-12

Format Print + Digital or Digital-Only Subscriptions

Also available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Indiebound, Target, and Walmart.

Key Features


Scholastic Art brings art history to life in middle- and high-school visual-arts classrooms. Featuring art from diverse cultures, time periods and artistic movements, this visually stunning magazine helps teachers develop a balanced art curriculum. With dynamic digital features including art-history videos, museum tours and artist interviews, Scholastic Art is a complete print and digital nonfiction art program. Subscriptions include complete access to Scholastic Art Digital and Teacher's Guides with every issue. Grades 7-12, Bimonthly.

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Scholastic Art brings art history to life in middle- and high-school visual-arts classrooms. Featuring art from diverse cultures, time periods and artistic movements, this visually stunning magazine helps teachers develop a balanced art curriculum. With dynamic digital features including art-history videos, museum tours and artist interviews, Scholastic Art is a complete print and digital nonfiction art program. Subscriptions include complete access to Scholastic Art Digital and Teacher's Guides with every issue. Grades 7-12, Bimonthly.

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Product Details

  • Item #:NTS164885
  • ISBN13:164885
  • Format:Print + Digital or Digital-Only Subscriptions
  • Genre:Informational Text
  • Subject:Visual Arts
  • Grades:7 - 12
  • Funding Type:Title I, Part A,
    Title III,
    Title IV, Part B, 21st CCLC
  • Language:English

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