Young babies will love this multisensory mirror book, part of a special range of Little Scholastic books.
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Series Information← ←
Introducing Little Scholastic, a developmental publishing program of interactive books created exclusively to give babies & toddlers a head start in learning.← ←
Each book features:← ←
- Interactive components←
- High color contrast←
- Rhyming, repetitive, or predictable text←
- Familiar subjects and surroundings←
- Simple concepts←
- Distinct leveling between the ages of 0-3 years
Young babies will love this multisensory mirror book, part of a special range of Little Scholastic books.
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Series Information← ←
Introducing Little Scholastic, a developmental publishing program of interactive books created exclusively to give babies & toddlers a head start in learning.← ←
Each book features:← ←
- Interactive components←
- High color contrast←
- Rhyming, repetitive, or predictable text←
- Familiar subjects and surroundings←
- Simple concepts←
- Distinct leveling between the ages of 0-3 years