Junior Scholastic builds knowledge and civics literacy while empowering the next generation of engaged citizens, thinkers and changemakers. Through riveting articles and videos on current events and historical topics, our Social Studies magazine helps student discover America, the world and their place in it. We also provide educators with powerful teaching tools focused on a range of Social Studies skills, project-based activities and connections to language arts and other core subject areas. Subscriptions include complete access to
Junior Scholastic Digital and Teacher's Guides with every issue. Grades 6-8, Monthly.
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Junior Scholastic builds knowledge and civics literacy while empowering the next generation of engaged citizens, thinkers and changemakers. Through riveting articles and videos on current events and historical topics, our Social Studies magazine helps student discover America, the world and their place in it. We also provide educators with powerful teaching tools focused on a range of Social Studies skills, project-based activities and connections to language arts and other core subject areas. Subscriptions include complete access to
Junior Scholastic Digital and Teacher's Guides with every issue. Grades 6-8, Monthly.
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