Enter the icy world of the Arctic and Antarctic
This book explores the world's Arctic and Antarctic regions, the coldest places on Earth. Read about the Inuit peoples who live in the Arctic and the explorers who came and braved terrible conditions to lay claim to new lands. Discover the amazing array of polar wildlife, from ferocious polar bears and killer whales to the weird narwhal and the numerous penguin species that inhabit the Antarctic. Packed with facts, photos, and more.
This book explores the world's Arctic and Antarctic regions, the coldest places on Earth. Read about the Inuit peoples who live in the Arctic and the explorers who came and braved terrible conditions to lay claim to new lands. Discover the amazing array of polar wildlife, from ferocious polar bears and killer whales to the weird narwhal and the numerous penguin species that inhabit the Antarctic. Packed with facts, photos, and more.
Guided Reading Content Areas 2nd Edition Level O | Classroom Program | $545.00 |