Laugh & Learn: Make This DIY Joke Book For Your Kids

Get your kids laughing and reading with this printable collection of jokes.

By Christie Burnett
Apr 17, 2017



Laugh & Learn: Make This DIY Joke Book For Your Kids

Apr 17, 2017

We have a beginning reader in my house and it's so much fun. She is super curious about letter sounds and words, attempting to read everything — from her big sister's LEGO magazine to her box of cereal at breakfast each morning. It won’t be long before hubby and I have to completely stop using sneaky spelling as our secret parent code!

I remember when my older daughter was at this same stage, one of the things she loved most of all was a book of classic children's jokes. At one point, inspired by her interest in the book, I gathered together a collection of corny, kid-friendly jokes to include as little lunch box notes — anything to squeeze a little extra reading into her days.

As well as being lots of fun, jokes for kids are generally composed of simple language and lots of high frequency words and sight words. This makes them a great tool for engaging your early or reluctant reader.

I've gathered up 16 fun animal jokes for kids in this happy printable. If your child already loves jokes and riddles, or wants to give joke-telling (or joke-reading) a try, this collection is made for her! 

You can print the animal jokes, cut them out into individual cards and staple them together in the form of a mini joke book. Or, do as I did and simply add one to her lunch bag for a "laugh & learn" she can share with her friends each day. Enjoy!

Raise a Reader Blog
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