Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s Legacy With These Books for Ages 10 Up

These books will help middle schoolers and teens better understand and appreciate Martin Luther King Jr. and how his legacy continues to affect us today.

By Amy Mascott and Scholastic Parents
Jan 10, 2019



Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s Legacy With These Books for Ages 10 Up

Jan 10, 2019

We honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., each year on the third Monday of January, in celebration of his birthday, January 21, 2019.  

While many families mark this special day with volunteer community service, another great way to honor Dr. King's legacy with your children is to learn more about him as the driving force behind the modern American Civil Rights Movement.

Dr. King preached the power of words, non-violent resistance, and civil disobedience to help achieve legal equality for African Americans and pursue racial equality for all, as the leading civil rights leader of the 1950s and 60s, until his assassination in 1968.

Sit down together with your independent reader with one of these compelling titles, both non-fiction and historical fiction, about Dr. King's life, along with others in the Civil Rights Movement. These hand selected reads will help your child explore the struggles endured, and achievements made.

Creating an open dialogue can help your child make connections, ask questions, and better understand Dr. King as a leader and icon of this pivotal time in U.S. history.

Books About Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement

Raise a Reader Blog
Age 14
Age 13
Age 15
Age 10
Age 12
Age 11
Martin Luther King Day