4 Book Series for Future Harry Potter Fans

Are your readers too young for the world of Harry Potter? Not to worry. The easy-to-follow text in these action-packed, magical books will easily entice.

By Allison McDonald
Jul 14, 2016



4 Book Series for Future Harry Potter Fans

Jul 14, 2016

Did you know that July 31st is Harry Potter’s birthday? Yep! The boy who lived celebrates every July 31st and I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate his birthday than put together a list of titles for kids who can’t wait to read the books, but just aren’t ready. My 6 year old loves to read, but she is not ready to sit and read hundreds of pages with no pictures. Soon — but not quite yet.


Here are some great books that are filled with magic but aren’t quite as complex as Harry Potter. These four magical book series will fill that gap until your young reader is ready for Hogwarts.

Stella and the Night Sprites #1: Knit-Knotters by Sam Hay
This series is for children who have just started reading independently and need a lot of scaffolding. There are illustrations on every page and easy to read text, but the plot is still fun and action packed. It’s not a magical series for babies — share this one with new readers!

Dragon Slayers' Academy #1: The New Kid at School by Kate McMullan
Filled with adventure and plenty of jokes, this series will appeal to kids who want the conflict and great characters found in Harry Potter but still need simple fast-paced writing to keep them turning those pages.

The Kingdom Of Wrenly #10: The Pegasus Quest by Jordan Quinn — These gentle tales in a fantasy world are accompanied by plenty of illustrations to support new readers. This series is a great place to start reading about magical worlds for young readers.

The Secrets of Droon #1: The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet by Tony Abbott — A hidden magical world is revealed and three friends must save not just themselves but all that is good in this exciting series. Perfect for young elementary aged children.

Do you know of a great books series that would fit this list? Tell us about it on Scholastic Parents Facebook page

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