Dream Big, Learn Bigger

Dream Big, Learn Bigger

Campaign End Date Aug 1, 2024
Teacher Eilleen de Guzman
Hello, everyone. My name is Eilleen de Guzman, and I am your 1st-grade teacher at North Rowan Elementary School. At NRES, we believe in the power of education to transform lives. However, we face challenges such as outdated library books and a lack of educational resources, which make it difficult for our students to achieve their full potential. That's why I'm launching our campaign, "Dream Big, Learn Bigger." My goal is to raise funds to update our library with new, real-life-related books. With your support, I can create a more engaging and effective learning environment for my students. I need your support to make this vision a reality. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. Together, we can ensure our students have the necessary resources to succeed. Thank you for your generosity and for believing in the power of education. With your help, I can give my students the tools they need to thrive. Let's make a difference together! The funds I raise will be used to purchase new books for the library. These resources will help my students improve their reading skills and ultimately prepare them for a brighter future. Thank you, Ms. de Guzman
Dream Big, Learn Bigger


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