Book Fairy, is that you?

Book Fairy, is that you?

Campaign End Date Aug 1, 2024
Teacher Marissa Kruger
Hello! I am Marissa Kruger and I get to teach a wonderful group of students who range in age from kindergarten through 4th grade at CamRidge Colony. These students absolutely love to read and learn about new topics in books. I would love to raise these funds to be able to give each student a new book each month. Students will be able to take these books home and share them with their families allowing them to practice reading in a different environment than school. Most students have younger siblings, and I would love for them to be able to share their love of reading with the younger children also. When you become a "book fairy" you are allowing learning to spread to new heights for these students. Each book given to students will come with a note attached that says, "from your book fairy", I truly cannot wait to see their sweet faces excited about their new books. With your support we can help these students expand on their learning and love for reading. Will you be a Book Fairy? Thank you for your support.
Book Fairy, is that you?


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