One Book a Month for each student

One Book a Month for each student

Campaign End Date Aug 20, 2024
Teacher Kristin Quinn
Thank you to those of you who donated last year! Next year, I will be teaching third again at Parkview Heights-a Title 1 school in La Vista. I just got to order my last set of books for each of my third graders. Because of my scholastic campaign last year, my kids got to take home a book each month. This month thinking of summer reading, I got every student a copy of a popular, funny, light hearted new series called, Bad Food! They are going to love it! Next year, I'd love to be able to do the same thing for my new students. Thank you for considering supporting my new group of students with a donation to my scholastic fundraiser! Kristin Quinn
One Book a Month for each student


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Contribution amount: $0


May 21, 2024
Vicki Fuller
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