Draw a Story: Storytelling Through Drawing

Follow this basic process to help your child recognize that a drawing is a story and that your child is a natural-born storyteller.

By Bekki Lindner




When I was a classroom teacher, at least once a day, I had a student tell me, "I have nothing to write about!" My students were unaware of the incredible natural resource they possessed: their boundless creativity. Our children are natural storytellers. The depth of their imaginations never ceases to amaze me. And yet, our children approach a blank page with trepidation -- certain they have nothing to say.

When most children set out to write, they aren't thinking about sharing their ideas and stories. More often than not, they're stressing about letter formation and proper spelling. When I ask my 6-year-old son to write, generally a small groan will escape his lips. For me, writing is therapeutic. It excites me. For him, writing is a pressure-cooker. "What do I write about?" "What if I can't spell something?" "How many sentences make a story?"

However, if I ask my son to draw a picture, he immediately puts crayon to paper and begins to unleash his ideas. As he draws, what he may not realize is that he is telling a story. The pictures that our children draw contain so much meaning. There is so much information within an illustration. Don't believe me? Pick up a copy of Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann or Mark Teague's  Dear Mrs. LaRue. If you were to simply listen to a reading of the book, you'd no doubt hear a great story. However, when you enjoy the story along with the illustrations, the story is made complete.

The writer in me hopes that one day my son will fall in love with the act of putting pen to paper. Until that day comes, I want to inspire his creativity and affirm for him that he is a storyteller. I want him (and all children!) to know they have something to say.

You can follow this basic process to help your child recognize that his/her drawing is a story, and that he/she is a natural-born storyteller.  

1. Talk to your children about their drawings.
Ask questions. Point out details. Encourage them to tell you about their pictures. Here are a few questions to ask:

  • Point out the characters
  • What are their names?
  • What are they like?
  • Describe them to me.
  • Point out the setting
  • Where is this? or Where is "character's name" right now?
  • What is it like there?
  • Ask about "plot"
  • What is the character doing right now? Why? What do you think will happen next?

Let your children guide this conversation, and respond to what they say. Ask questions based on their responses. As they talk about their pictures, they are telling a story, giving you information about main characters, setting, and story plot.

2. You just told a story!
Woohoo! Your kids are storytellers! Let them know that they just told a story, and praise them for their imaginative ideas. Use this opportunity to build their confidence as storytellers, and to help them understand that they have something to say.

3. Write it down.
If your children are reluctant writers, instead of asking them to write the story, take a dictation, and write or type out the story as they tell it. The point of drawing a story is not to practice writing, but rather to help them practice storytelling and gain confidence in the depth and quality of their ideas. Children who are not frustrated with the act of writing, but simply struggle to develop ideas, may be able to do their own writing.

If possible, attach the writing to the picture.

4. Read your story.
Writers are readers. There is something magical that happens when children read their own writing. Sometimes you can almost see a switch flip, when they realize, "I'm a writer!" As my son read the words I'd typed, his face lit up. "Mom, can we keep doing this? I could draw more pictures and we could turn this into a whole book!" The day before, this same child sat sullenly at the kitchen table, staring at his journal complaining he had no ideas. I just needed to access his creativity in a different way.

5. Share the story.
Let your children share their stories with someone else. Have them read them to another family member or friend. Sharing their ideas and stories with others can be incredibly validating and further cement for them that they are storytellers with something to say.

Tap into your children's ideas this week, and encourage them to draw a story.

Books | Individual Titles | Hardcover Book
The Day the Crayons Quit
Crayons have feelings too.

Poor Duncan just wants to color. But when he opens his box of crayons, he finds only letters, all saying the same thing: His crayons have had enough! They quit! Beige Crayon is tired of playing second fiddle to Brown Crayon. Black wants to be used for more than just outlining. Blue needs a break from coloring all those bodies of water. And Orange and Yellow are no longer speaking-each believes he is the true color of the sun.

What can Duncan possibly do to appease all of the crayons and get them back to doing what they do best? Kids will be imagining their own humorous conversations with crayons and coloring a blue streak after sharing laughs with Drew Daywalt and New York Times bestseller Oliver Jeffers. This story is perfect as a back-to-school gift, for all budding artists, for fans of humorous books such as Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Sciezka and Lane Smith, and for fans of Oliver Jeffers' Stuck, The Incredible Book Eating Boy, Lost and Found, and This Moose Belongs to Me.


Although Drew Daywalt grew up in a haunted house, he now lives in a Southern California home, haunted by only his wife, two kids, and five-month-old German Shepherd. His favorite crayon is Black.

Oliver Jeffers (www.oliverjeffersworld.com) makes art and tells stories. His books include How to Catch a Star; Lost and Found, which was the recipient of the prestigious Nestle Children's Book Prize Gold Award in the U.K. and was later adapted into an award-winning animated film; The Way Back Home; The Incredible Book Eating Boy; The Great Paper Caper; The Heart and the Bottle, which was made into a highly acclaimed iPad application narrated by Helena Bonham Carter; Up and Down, the New York Times bestselling Stuck; The Hueys in the New Sweater, a New York Times Best Illustrated Book of the Year; and This Moose Belongs to Me, a New York Times bestseller. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland, Oliver now lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

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