Oakland Public Schools Campaign

Donate Now

Total : 555.69 Books
Goal: 100,000,000.00 Books
Help us reach our goal. Remaining Books : 99,999,444.31 Books

100% of donations will go to the Children's Book Bank a 501-C3 tax exempt organization.

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If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the following members of the CLT Team: Andrea Zellner (DSS), Jenelle Williams (DSS), and Ashelin Currie (DSS).

You Can Make a Difference
This Summer


Connect.Learn.Transform Book Drive

The Oakland Schools Connect.Learn.Transform task force invites all Oakland Schools employees to donate new books for our Summer Pop-Up Literacy Lab. Equity is the CIP goal focus for Connect.Learn.Transform 2019, and we are looking to provide equity in access to books through a book drive. We know that students from low-socio economic communities have little or no access to interesting books. Oakland Schools Connect.Learn.Transform task force seeks to close the gap by providing access and choice. Research shows that when students have access and choice to books they:

  • interact more with books
  • spend more time reading
  • demonstrate more positive attitudes towards reading
  • exhibit higher levels of reading achievement

Who attends the Summer Pop-Up Literacy Lab? What do the Labs consist of?

Pre-Kindergarten through fifth-grade students attend Literacy Lab events. It was hosted by Oakland Schools consultants in the summer of 2018 and this year Oakland Schools consultants look forward to building capacity of districts to host their own Pop-Up Literacy Lab with Oakland Schools support.

OPS Campaign